
Top 10 Reasons to Love Your ITAD Partner This Valentine’s Day

Heart in center of chasing arrows recycling symbol,
Heart in center of chasing arrows recycling symbol,



What to

Look for

If You Dont!


The organization responsible for managing your end-of-life electronics, and any data they may hold, should be a trusted, long-term valued partner. Does YOUR Information Technology Asset Disposal (ITAD) partner offer the following?

1.  Options for Data Destruction 

There are numerous ways to rid data stored on devices and you should be able to choose which best meets the needs of your organization. Wiping according to NIST 800-88 Rev. 1 is the industry standard that means all data has been wiped from the drive and is no longer retrievable. The advantage of this method is that the hard drive can be used again, contributing to the circular economy. Shredding is physical destruction so obviously the drives can no longer be re-used. The shredded pieces will be separated into their components and recycled, regardless of whether they were shredded at on-site your facility or off-site at ours. Your data is secure at our gated, camera-monitored facility, but some organizations feel more comfortable watching the shredding process, or have corporate policies that require it. If that is the case, we’ll bring the shredder to you! n

2.  A Zero Landfill Commitment 

Zero waste embraces the philosophy of reducing the amount of material sent to the landfill. Although it is not possible to throw absolutely nothing away, “zero” represents the aspiration. The goal is to reduce and recycle as much as is currently possible. We may get to Zero someday but in the meantime, we should all follow the 4R’s of the waste hierarchy: reducing resource consumption and waste generation, reusing, then recycling, as much as possible. 

3.  Thorough Vetting of Their Downstream Partners 

The businesses we think of as “recyclers” are only the first step in preparing the collected recyclables to replace the virgin raw materials used in the manufacture of new, recycled-content products. Some components, like metals and leaded glass in monitors, require very specific, technical processes to recover the material at a larger scale to be safer and more economical. It is imperative to complete due diligence of the recipient to ensure adherence to all local, state and federal regulations. Within the electronics recycling industry there have been a number of high-profile and costly cases where the original owners of the material, and the landlords of the property where it was stored, were required to help pay for the cost of the cleanup after the recipient of the material went bankrupt or disappeared. n

4.  Regional Logistics Service and White-glove Nationwide Coverage 

EVR has developed excellent relationships in the logistics industry for LTL and full trailer loads across the U.S. Our in-house fleet services the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast. You have a business to run and your IT Department is busy taking care of your teams. We provide packing guidelines so your material arrives intact to maximize revenue sharing when applicable and arrange for the pickup of palletized material. If you prefer, we can send our expert team to decommission, package and transport your devices for you.n

5.  Asset Auditing 

To refresh and replace or not? Your asset partner should be familiar with changes in both software and hardware that have an impact on your technology investment. Can your hardware handle upcoming software upgrades or is it time to change to minimize losses in productivity? Conversely, do you have a closet of equipment you think is junk but which may have valuable components? Previously accepted timelines for replacement of three to five years may no longer be relevant given the pace at which software and hardware is changing. n

The regulatory world is dynamic and existing rules and regulations are constantly updated. With globalization, organizations must monitor developments in the rest of the world. Your ITAD partner needs to keep up to date to help you remain current and compliant.n

7.  Insurance Coverage that Meets or Exceeds Industry Requirements

As rules and regulations change, so may the insurance needs. With each change may come a new or different exposure. You want your partner to be covered so that you are protected as well.n

8.  Continuously Seeks Out Cutting-edge Operational Improvements to Better Serve Youn

Technology is one of the most rapidly changing sectors of our lives today. You need a partner that continues to grow to not only meet, but anticipate, the next development to help you stay ahead of the game … and the competition.n

9.  Provide Certificates with the Level of Detail Required by Your Policies and Preferences

EVR’s proprietary software is fast and efficient not only at wiping the data completely but capturing serial numbers, and generating Certificates of Recycling, Destruction, Asset Consignment and Resale, as appropriate. The level of detail recorded on your Certificate of Disposition will depend upon the confidentiality level of the data in the media. Written documentation demonstrates that you have assessed and addressed the risks associated with your disposition of data containing devices. Should there ever be a data breach, your Certificate will help demonstrate that you performed due diligence.

10. Fun?

Yes, we’re techies but we know how to have fun! Each month we celebrate birthdays and work anniversaries. Team leaders fill out drawing slips for employees who go above and beyond their normal duties or go out of their way to help another team. Winners receive gift cards, lunch and get to pick out the goofy hat one of the leaders must wear for the day. We’ve thrown axes together, raced each other in go-carts and learned how to swing a golf club. Check out our Year in Review to see the fun!

If you don’t love your ITAD partner, get in touch with Electronics Value Recovery and feel the love!